The areas of activity of the CED research group include human development, family, and education systems, with a focus on community-based interventions, evaluation and assessment. The research group contributes with evidence-based information regarding good practices for improving contexts and intervention with children and young people at risk and in danger, while also promoting the rights and opportunities of children and young people in different development contexts. They often work with communities at local, national and international levels.
RNYN - Rural NEET Youth Network: Modeling the risks underlying rural NEETs social exclusion
This COST Action created a European-led multidisciplinary network with the aim of developing a model of comprehension for rural NEETs’ social exclusion risk and protective factors based on the bioecological model. + info
PARTICIPA - Professional Development Tools Supporting Participation Rights in Early Childhood Education (ECE)
This Erasmus+ project developed three independent but complementary professional development resources to promote children's participation in ECE, including a Massive Open Online Course for teachers, assistants and coordinators and self-assessment tools for these ECE professionals. + info
AdoPt - Adoptive families’ strengths, difficulties and service needs: A Portuguese follow-up study
Funded by FCT, this project analyses the realities of Portuguese families after adopting children. + info
JUS/Project 12 - Justice for Children
This project funded by EU contributed to a child-friendly justice system in Portugal by strengthening the importance of a justice that is accessible and focused on the needs and rights of the child.. + info