The Doctoral Program in Psychology opens their Research Seminar in Psychology - Advanced Issues course to the community (via Zoom only). The first topic of this academic year will be covered by Dr. Filipa Calado along 2 seminars, and relates to cyberpsychology and addiction.

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Cyberpsychology and Behavioural Addictions: How does the online world impact our life?
November 2 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM + November 9 | 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Digital technologies have infiltrated all aspects of our personal and work life, and in the aftermath of COVID pandemic, new technologies are having a profound impact on people. Cyberpsychology looks at how humans and technology intersect—and sometimes collide. The field is growing exponentially due to sustained rapid acceleration of Internet technologies, and how humans interact with them. The research suggests that these technologies might also have a negative impact on the behaviour of some vulnerable individuals, which can lead to the development of behavioural addictions, or addictions without a substance.
In this seminar, Dr. Filipa Calado, a clinical psychologist and researcher at the International Gaming Research Unit at Nottingham Trent University, the world-leading research unit on the emergent fields of cyberpsychology and behavioural addictions, will explore research topics around psychological processes related to digital life, more specifically protective and risk factors, media literacy, and mental health issues associated. She will also cover other relevant topics, namely the popularity of some social media platforms especially among young people, the emergence of dating apps, and the rise of new forms of technological addictions, such as the mukbang. In this seminar, students will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge on the growing field of behavioural addictions, explore further the impact of cyberpsychology related-issues, and applied interventions.
Access via ZOOM - Meeting ID: 942 6877 8450