The School of Social Sciences and Humanities (ECSH) and the Centre for Psychological Research and Social Intervention (CIS-Iscte) open a call for one (1) Merit Scholarship for students enrolled for the first time in the 1st year of the Iscte Doctoral Program in Psychology for the academic year 2024/2025.
If you are interested in developing a research project in Psychology, do not miss this funding opportunity. This merit scholarship is awarded annually, renewable up to three years, or for the maximum number of years corresponding to the duration of the respective doctoral program. The monthly value of the merit scholarship (12 months) is €1,259.64, plus voluntary social insurance corresponding to the first level, if the candidate chooses to be awarded, personal accident insurance and exemption from payment of tuition fees. The grant is incompatible with the exercise of a dependent and independent labor activity.
The submission of applications for the merit scholarship will run from 10 September to 22 October 2024 through Iscte's submission platform:
This call will comply with the requirements of the public notice to be published and Regulation no. 742/2022 for the Award of Merit Scholarships to 3rd Cycle Students of Iscte - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa.
If you have any questions or need help in the application process, please contact
Public Notice (EN)
Public Notice (PT)
Additional documents * :
Form A - Research project proposal
Form B - Justification of the relevance and articulation of the research project to the strategic plan and research areas of the research unit hosting the research project
Minute of Application to the Evaluation Commission
Warning: Viewing this page does not dispense the reading of the public notice.
* All documents along with other requested documents, must be submitted on the dedicated platform:
Applications will not be accepted by email.