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Lecture "The psychology of fake news"

23/04/2021, 15:30, with Rainer Greifeneder (University of Basel)


Abstract of the presentation:

Fake news is false information disguised as news. Fake news has surged in the last decade, becoming a serious problem in politics, journalism, health communications, and perhaps most urgently, in fighting the spread of SARS-Cov-2. This talk provides insights into the psychological processes involved in the acceptance and dissemination of fake news, which are influenced by the changes to information communication associated with the popularity of online social networks. This talk further discusses a propaganda strategy that accuses others of disseminating fake news, thereby eroding trust in science, governments, and the fact-checking media. Because peaceful interaction and societal prosperity depend on trust, this propaganda strategy is a powerful means for upheaval that democratic societies and science need to find answers to.


About the lecture:

Dia 23 de abril de 2021 terá lugar a conferência "The psychology of fake news", apresentada pelo Professor Rainer Greifeneder (University of Basel).

Esta conferência é organizada pelo Programa Doutoral em Psicologia do Iscte – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa e irá decorrer via Zoom, das 15h30 às 16h30.


On the 23rd of April of 2021 the conference "The psychology of fake news" will be presented by Professor Rainer Greifeneder (University of Basel).

This conference is organized by Iscte-IUL’s Doctoral in Psychology and will take place via Zoom from 15h30 to 16h30.





Centre for Psychological Research

and Social Intervention

Avenida das Forças Armadas, 40

1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal

Iscte-Conhecimento e Inovação, Ed. 4, Sala B123

Telefone: +351 210 464 017 


Institutional Affiliation

Logo Iscte


Logo FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

CIS-Iscte is  funded by FCT through the program "Financiamento do Plano Estratégico de Unidades de I&D", with the reference UIDB/03125/2020, DOI: 10.54499/UIDB/03125/2020.

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