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Iscte ranks 1st in Portugal for Psychology in the Times Higher Education Ranking

We are thrilled to announce that Iscte has been ranked first in Portugal in the 2023 Times Higher Education ranking for Psychology for the fourth consecutive year, securing a prestigious position among the best 250 institutions and surpassing all other Portuguese universities in this field. In the field of Psychology, Iscte stands out, particularly for the impact of its research and its degree of internationalization.

Cecília Aguiar, director of the Department of Social and Organizational Psychology (DPSO) and researcher at CIS-Iscte, says: "At Iscte, we are extremely proud of the exceptional quality of our teaching and the dedication of our teachers, researchers, and students. This recognition reflects our unwavering commitment to excellence in teaching and research in Psychology."

The Times Higher Education ranking is recognized worldwide for its rigorous assessment of academic institutions, making this achievement a testament to the dedication of our teaching staff, the hard work of our students, and the innovative research conducted at Iscte in the field of Psychology.

See also the news on this topic at Iscte's website.





Centre for Psychological Research

and Social Intervention

Avenida das Forças Armadas, 40

1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal

Iscte-Conhecimento e Inovação, Ed. 4, Sala B123

Telefone: +351 210 464 017 


Institutional Affiliation

Logo Iscte


Logo FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

CIS-Iscte is  funded by FCT through the program "Financiamento do Plano Estratégico de Unidades de I&D", with the reference UIDB/03125/2020, DOI: 10.54499/UIDB/03125/2020.

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