On November 23rd and 24th the III Conference on Societal Health will take place under the theme of Digital Transformation & Inclusion in Health. This event is co-organized by Iscte-Health and the Associate Laboratory SocioDigital Lab for Public Policy.
The program is divided into two days. The first day will be dedicated to four workshops and the live recording of the podcast "Pensar Saúde e Sociedade". The second day will be marked by the presentation of the 3rd issue of the Cadernos de Saúde Societal and three sessions on the themes of digital transformation, participation and inclusion, and equity and inequalities in health.
Registration is mandatory. Please note that the event will be held in Portuguese.
The Organizing Committee of the III Conference on Societal Health is:
Abel Garcia Bejas
Cristianne de Sousa
Cristina Camilo
Elsa Cardoso
Elzebieta Bobrowicz Campos
Francisca Leite
Henrique Martins
Jorge Ferreira
Elsa Pegado
Maria do Céu Morgado
Marta Matos
Ricardo Ribeiro
Ricardo Viegas
Sónia Bernardes
Susana Azevedo
You can find the Full Program for the conference (Portuguese only) here: