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Evidence-based solutions for digital equity in health

Time-to-Engage: Intentions and behaviours of using digital health technology by older adults is a collaborative research project exploring individual and contextual factors that interfere with the intention to use digital technologies in health by citizens in advanced age. It also aims at understanding how these factors are shaped by levels of digital competencies and engagement and by availability, accessibility, and affordability of digital equipment.

Find out more with Elzbieta Bobrowicz-Campos, the lead researcher of the project, in the video below:

Time-to-Engage is funded within the scope of the Social Research Programme by "la Caixa" Foundation (SR23-00290) in collaboration with FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology). For more information on this project and its results check the Ciência-IUL page about the project, and follow the project on social media: Facebook and Instagram.

Video credits:

Image capturing and video editing: Pedro Simão Mendes (SciComm Manager at CIS-Iscte)

Audio used: "perception", Music:, License code: 9EBCDE9VW5YSOMZO





Centre for Psychological Research

and Social Intervention

Avenida das Forças Armadas, 40

1649-026 Lisboa, Portugal

Iscte-Conhecimento e Inovação, Ed. 4, Sala B123

Telefone: +351 210 464 017 


Institutional Affiliation

Logo Iscte


Logo FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia

CIS-Iscte is  funded by FCT through the program "Financiamento do Plano Estratégico de Unidades de I&D", with the reference UIDB/03125/2020, DOI: 10.54499/UIDB/03125/2020.

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