The Centre for Psychological Research and Social Intervention (CIS) of Iscte – University Institute of Lisbon opens a call for the award of 1 research studentship (BI REF. BI/GREENCITY4AGING2024) in the scope of the project "GreenCity4Aging: the effects of urban green streets on mobility, social integration and ageism against older people“ Ref. 2022.03478.PTDC and DOI 10.54499/2022.03478.PTDC, funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P ./MCTES, through national funds (PIDDAC) within the scope of the SR&TD Projects in all scientific domains 2022.
Área científica: Psychology
The research studentship for performing Research & Development activities by PhD students or students of a course that does not award an academic degree holding a bachelor's or a master's degree, is aimed at applicants holding a master´s degree and enrolled in courses non conferring academic degree for developing Research & Development activities. The studentship is foreseen to start in May 2024 and the duration will be 12 months (eventually renewed up to the maximum limit of the funding approved or the maximum duration of this type of grant, whichever comes first), with the provisions of nos. 3 and 4 of article 6, of RBI.
The call is open from March 13th to March 26th, 2024. Only applications submitted within the deadline will be admitted.
Links where the notice has been published:
Research grant results:
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